One way or another, our lives have changed dramatically over the past weeks. Covid-19 and its rapid spread, halt our daily busy life into a stop, made us shelter, and distance from each other.

It’s the first time in recent history, that this happen globally, affecting every country on every continent. Just like billions of people everywhere, I have been confined at home, with my kids, leaving my Barcelona apartment only for the necessities.
I try to play my role, helping to stop the spread of this virus, and educating my kids to do so as well. (Something that I come back to later on). I also have lots of time to think about the present situation, as I am sure, many people do. I follow the news, the developments and try to stay away from panic and fear. Those two things are worse than the virus itself.
SO LET’S STAY POSITIVE! I have been following and focusing on the bright side of this current situation. Obviously, my biggest sympathy goes to the people that are suffering and are in poor health, or already lost their lives, or their loved ones. Just like in every situation, there is always something good in something bad.

In Japan, they call in Yin Yang.
I want to point out, that just in 3 weeks of slowing down industries, travel and every day “routine”, our Earth already took a note.
A positive one. Water has been clearer, air has been fresher and amazingly, the ozone layer has recovered noticeably in such a short period of time.
I hope that everyone noticed and that maybe it will change laws and the way we treat our planet.
People also have opportunity to practice many things, that we are not accustomed to do. It’s the best time to stay home, clean your house, organize and practice discipline. Staying fit and trying not to eat too much is very challenging while staying at home ALL THE TIME. That’s where discipline takes place, and everyone should improvise and try to do the best they can. There are only few rules to follow during this time, and yet, some people have very hard time to do so.

People should also practice solidarity, togetherness (while staying apart) and being considerate.
There is no room for selfishness during this time.
Parents should spend some quality time with their kids, oversee their schoolwork, and maybe try to be their teacher for once.
Families should pull together during this tough period, help one another, since there are many people losing their jobs over this short period of time.
This health and economic situation are uncovering some uncomfortable truths about our society, our character and our laws.
Let’s get out of this situation as better people, better society, and with more values. I hope that politicians, lawmakers and industries learn from this period and we will improve. (Like improve our view on doctors, nurses, fireman and pretty much everyone, who has been on the front line, dealing with this virus and helping the sick.
They are the true heroes of 2020 so far!) We still take too many things for granted, and I think that our planet – Mother Earth – is telling us something. Are we smart enough to learn? Or is it going to be just a scare, little hiccup in our way to destroy our planet completely.
I certainly hope that we are going to change our ways.