
To date, there are over 1500 studies proving coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet.
Coconut oil benefits and uses are simply amazing.
My mom always was talking about coconut oil, how healthy is to cooking with it, the beneicies, but i didnt give her much atention i already love the water and i was happy with it. ( kind shame, you always should listing you mom) :) as a brazilian girl i Love coconut water!! I grew up drinking it from the natural coconut.
I never would imagined that i could drink it in Spain with such great taste... So my first contact with the coco water bottle came from " Vita coco Spain".

Finally, I could get a coco water relatively easy way, which made me happy.
For many years, coco water disappeared from my life and now it's back again!! What a"pleasure', since it is all natural and organic.
And it not just the water from coconut that you can get from Vita Coco. They produce a high quality organic coconut oil, for many ever better and more important.
Coconut oil isn't just for cooking: it's also a beauty multitasker that you can use to hydrate your skin, fight frizz, and reduce premature signs of aging.
Coconut oil benefits and Many ways to use coconut oil:
Coconut oil is an excellent skin moisturizer. Change your eye cream for oil. Use coconut oil moisturizer around the eye area, which is especially prone to developing lines and wrinkles. It softens cracked lips. Rub the oil on the lips to maintain them moist. You don't have to worry about bad taste either.

Coconut oil is an excellent natural makeup remover. Have you ever struggled to take your makeup off? No matter what type of makeup you wear, it is always a good idea to take it off before going to bed. Coconut oil makes this hard task easy on you and your skin. Coconut oil can work some serious magic for your hair!!!
Hair loss: Coconut oil has been used since ancient times in India for grooming hair. ...
Hair damage: The use of coconut oil in hair helps reduce the loss of protein in damaged hair as well as intact. Coconut oil is the world's most weight loss - fat friendly. It contains a unique combination of fatty acids with powerful effects on metabolism. Several studies show that just by adding coconut oil to your diet, you can lose fat, especially the "dangerous" fat in the abdominal cavity.
Coconut oil can also control your appetite.
DOSE: add a spoonfull for breakfast and another for dinner makes you eat 256 calories less (study showed)
ATTENTION: 1 tablespoon of coconut oil produces enough ketones to eliminate hunger for up to 6 hours. Coconut oil organic.
In the past, the use of Coconut Oil was demonized because it is a saturated fat. In fact, Coconut Oil is one of the few vegetable oils rich in saturated fats, with almost 90% of its composition based on saturated fatty acids.

There are many different brands of this product, but i always choose Vita Coco. Why? There's only one ingredient in our coconut oil: 100% organic, cold-pressed, unrefined, virgin coconut oil.
However, coconut oil has grown in popularity in recent years, amid claims that it can do everything from supporting weight loss to slowing the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
I buy it now every week , and recently I am using it to help me detoxicate my body. I buy it for my family, my kids, for my sister and for my mom, I totally recommend it, make a coconut oil part of your daily life!
Keilley Lee Marques